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Pumpkin Soup
Toblerone Boys
Work together to farm ingredients, cook a pumpkin soup recipe, and try to serve as many customers as possible each day.
Game Design/Level Design/UI
For the AllyJam'17, I designed this local multiplayer game inspired by Overcooked and pitched it to a team I had built of students and industry professionals. I created a one sheet compiled of the game system, and mocked up a few game loops to clearly communicate my idea. During the 5 day game jam, my roles became level design, QA and project management. I designed a level around the different 'stations' that any player could interact with to complete a task. This means the stations need to be well spread out with a lot of space between to allow players to navigate the space, focusing on accomplishing the required tasks as a team. I implemented a lot of the artists works and made alterations to the level as needed. Nearing the end of the project I created the menu system, using Unity's Cinemachine feature.
The biggest challenge we faced came down to my design. AllyJam'17 required for us to design a game around the theme: Being an ally to targets of hate. This was a difficult theme to design game play for and the design I had come up with was intending to meet the theme through game mechanics instead of narrative. Pumpkin Soup required players to work together in order to create different soups for customers in order to receive a high score. The delegation of tasks came through the players communicating together because any player could accomplish any task so our goal was to get players to communicate and work together to accomplish a goal. Unfortunately, our game's interpretation of the rules resulted in our game receiving a low score in the 'Theme' category. Our team was happy with the direction of our game and other than that category, we got high ratings in all other categories.
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